Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happiness & Pain

What is the most desired feeling? Is it the feeling of Happiness or the feeling of Pain? If I had to answer that question, I would most certainly choose the feeling of happiness. And I am confident that everyone desires the same.

Now, the irony lies in the fact that we never forget the little things that cause us pain but at the same time, happiness that is ten times more than the pain is hardly ever remembered. We cherish every single moment of happiness and still it is never enough. Why is it so? It is funny that several years of friendship have come to an end just because of one argument or misunderstanding that has hardly even lasted for an hour. The good times are easily forgotten. The friend who was once your best only becomes your enemy. His face only reminds you of your painful times. Be it friendship, marriage or any other relationship, it is always the same. The more we think of the sad times, the higher the resentment grows. And the worst part about it is that it happens silently. Neither does one want to speak about it nor listen to what the other has to say. If people on both sides of an argument had the patience to listen more than they speak and reason it out, we would all be living in a much different world right now.

While you are at the article, just read through a few lines from the awesome song by John Michael Montgomery:

I believe there are,
Angels among us,
Sent down to us,
From somewhere up above.
They come to You & Me,
In our darkest hours,
To show us how to live,
To teach us how to give,
To guide us with the light of LOVE.

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